Greg Simon

Cancer Advocate & Policy Expert

Mr. Simon is the President of Simonovation, LLC, an international consulting firm in science and technology policy.  He has held senior positions in both chambers of Congress, served in two Presidential administrations, was a senior strategy consultant to a variety of international technology CEO’s, co-founded and led, FasterCures, co-founded and led the Melanoma Research Alliance, and was the Senior Vice President at Pfizer for Worldwide Policy and Patient Engagement.   Greg came to Washington, DC in 1985 as General Counsel and then Staff Director of the Investigations Subcommittee of the House of Representatives’ Science, Space and Technology Committee. Greg organized a series of the earliest investigatory hearings on biotechnology policy and was involved in hearings and investigations related to NASA and the Challenger explosion.  In 1991, he was the Legislative Director for Sen. Al Gore and in 1993 President William Clinton Commissioned Mr. Simon to be Vice President Gore’s Chief Domestic Policy Advisor, a position he held from 1993-1997. He was the lead staffer for the Clinton-Gore Administration for development and passage of the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996. He helped negotiate the US-Russia agreement on the International Space Station and oversaw several key health and science initiatives, including the Human Genome Project. He next served in the White House In 2016 as the Executive Director of the White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force, under then-Vice President Joe Biden.   Greg and his team helped launch over seventy innovative private and public-private collaborations and numerous novel interagency and international initiatives that helped support the successful effort to secure $1.8 billion in new funding for the Cancer Moonshot.   After leaving office in 2017, Joe and Jill Biden asked Greg to launch and be the President of the Biden Cancer Initiative, an independent nonprofit organization from 2017-2019.   An Arkansas native, he has a B.A. in history from the University of Arkansas, he received his law degree from the University of Washington and studied at the Institute for European Studies at the University of Vienna, Austria.