H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco

Head of State – Principality of Monaco

H.S.H. Prince Albert II is the Sovereign Prince of the Principality of Monaco. In 2006 he launched his Foundation, dedicated to the protection of the environment by supporting projects around the world, focusing on three main challenges: fighting against climate change and promoting renewable energy; combating the loss of biodiversity; and preserving water resources. His Serene Highness and his Foundation have strongly mobilized for the conservation of emblematic species, such as the bluefin tuna and the monk seal in the Mediterranean, and for the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), namely with the protection of the Ross Sea in Antarctica and the launch of the MedFund to strengthen MPAs in the Mediterranean basin. The Sovereign was instrumental as well in the creation of the SDG 14, the publication of the IPCC report dedicated to Ocean and Cryosphere in the context of Climate Change and the negotiation around the High Seas Treaty.

Prince Albert II is the only Head of State to have visited both Poles: In 2005 he led an expedition to the Arctic (Spitzberg), reached the North Pole in 2006 and went to the Antarctic in 2009.

H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco has been honored by numerous prizes from organizations around the world for His contribution and actions in favor of the protection of our environment. He is one of the IUCN Patron of Nature since 2011.

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